Do you know that your core fears are affecting your money?

Those tiny little voices that are telling you to stay small, but also to go big. What is it that is holding you back? What's your core motivation? What really gets you going? What parts of life are you most intrigued by and excited by?

Let’s take a deep dive into your Enneagram and bridge the gaps. As an Enneagram Eight, I LOVE to break down the processes and gather all the information for you.

I need….

Traditional Financial Planning Services

Looking for the traditional financial planning services? I work with individuals and families on investment management and strategies, tax strategy, liquidity planning, estate planning, lifestyle planning, retirement planning, and strategies, insurance strategies, wealth transfer strategies. 

Family Legacy Financial Planning

Want a hassle free way to get everyone in your family on the same page when it comes to your finances? Let’s engage in a Family Financial Planning Summit. I come to you as a group and we go over it all in a stress-free format. No more questioning what mom & dad want!

Business Financial Planning

Ready to make a real impact not just with your work but now with your money? Let’s talk. No more feeling stuck because money isn’t something you deal with. We can bring that vision you’ve always had to life.

Accountability & Community

Are you looking for a community of other Bad Bitches? Are you curious about what other women like you are doing with their money and their business? With Aligned Wealth Collective you can tap into the resources of our amazing community to give you the inspiration, accountability and guidance you need.

“Using the Enneagram, I was able to see these things in myself, have the equanimity then to be able to forgive myself. In those moments, I stopped it as it was happening, the behaviors that I wasn't proud of, or didn't really like or weren't aligned with me. And I was able to step into this more healthy version of myself. I have found it feels freeing to my clients and because now that I'm able to understand their fears and motivations better, it helps us to really be able to have those deeper conversations that are necessary for a plan to be a success.”

— Lauren Wood

Traditional Financial Planning

Looking for traditional financial planning services but in a nontraditional way? Let’s bring life back to investment management and strategies, tax strategy, liquidity planning, estate planning, lifestyle planning, retirement planning, and strategies, insurance strategies, wealth transfer strategies and more are available all while having fun learning more about yourself, your money, and your possibilities.

Family Financial Planning Summits

I will travel to your family. Typically, this is easiest to do in the summer, when you're at the beach house or the lake house, and the whole family is together for some portion of time .

At that point, we can talk to have a whole family meeting, Summer Summit, and talk about financial matters in a productive and constructive way to help ensure that the family is on the same page when it comes to the family strategy. And this makes estate planning much easier by taking the fight away from the siblings when questioning what mom and dad want to happen. An open environment is created where the family feels confident that they are leaving knowing exactly how mom and dad intend things and how their choices impact the family plan.

Business Financial Planning

Have you been telling yourself for years that you’re just not good with the money? You bring amazing powerhouse energy to working with your clients, but when it comes to your own financial house of cards you’re always worried it’s going to come tumbling down at any moment. If you’re feeling stuck and ready to take the impact of your business to the next level then this Bad Bitch Business Review is for you! Your business is intricately interwoven into you, your plan for it should be, too! Let me and the Collective help you with taking it to the next level to shine your light even brighter!