Breaking out of that Good Girl Box

And how I can hugely change things for you…

I have been an advisor for nearly fifteen years working with elite clients. During that time, I established my Making Aligned Money Moves (MAMM) process , to align women's money with their purpose. Bringing a sophisticated, actionable roadmap to entrepreneurial women and being the guide that helps these strong women attain new heights in both their business and personal lives while helping them have more fun along the way is what I enjoy most in every day.

It wasn’t always that way. I came into this business to emulate my dad who had been a financial advisor and later, in upper management, for over 35 years. I watched him advise clients and do it very well. So, I knew when I entered this business that I wanted to be just like him. That’s a tall order to try to be somebody else!! Especially for me who stands at 5 ft nothing! It took years of introspection, therapy and community of bad bitches to help me see, I had to be me.

I started talking more about the things that were important to me and that resonated with the women I was working with. I started tracking my success by how many clients told me they love me. I have an obsession, (Thank you, ADHD!!) with the Enneagram, a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. My obsession comes from the WHY behind what we do that the enneagram offers us. It dives into each type’s unique fears and motivations-when it comes to our money, that’s usually the hardest part to identify. Once I started talking to my clients about the enneagram and how it could explain their why behind what they do, it was so impactful, I realized it was my missing piece to planning.

In being more myself, having more fun and focusing where it matters to me, I have been able to achieve things I diidn’t know were possible. As an enneagram 8, The Protective Challenger, I have a unique ability to look at the big picture and see a very nuanced view of it to give you a breakdown of exactly what needs to be done. Eights are great cheerleaders and I want to cheer you on in your personal and professional endeavors. I like to win and want to see you win, too!

No more feeling stuck, unsure, undecided-let’s get a plan together so that you feel confident you will achieve that next level!