Are you a

bad b*tch?

You might not feel like one yet, but NOW is your time!

Welcome to Aligned Wealth Collective, where empowering women is at the heart of everything we do. As a wealth advisor, I am dedicated to helping women unlock their financial potential while understanding the deeper motivations that drive them.

In an industry that often overlooks the power of listening, I sit down with you like an old friend, eager to hear your unique story. By utilizing the insightful Enneagram system, we unravel the reasons behind the events in your life and remove any obstacles in your path.

Together, we craft a personalized financial plan that aligns with your personality and core drivers, allowing you to make money moves that resonate with your true self. Step by step, I guide you through this transformative journey, tailoring the pace to your Enneagram number.

This is not about giving you homework to complete alone; we actively work together, making tangible progress. Here, you'll find a safe space free from judgment, where exploring your finances becomes an enjoyable and empowering experience.

Join me on this remarkable adventure as we reshape your financial future with confidence, setting an example for the women who seek a better life and know that it's within their grasp.

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